In a complex with construction works management, paints production and varnish production our company offers services of industrial coloring of objects, products and constructions from various materials: (large constructions: residential, industrial, office buildings, heat and hydroelectric power stations, hydraulic engineering constructions, piers, moorings and bridges, ships, tanks, road protections, markings, fences, etc.).
Metal structures, pipelines, oil pipelines, oil RVS, bridge and gantry cranes, chimneys, television towers and radio masts with sandblasting Anti-corrosion protection.
Residential, industrial buildings and structures, metal structures fire-retardant treatment.
Wooden buildings processing with special compositions to protect against fire, rot and mold.
Repair and painting of facades, high-rise buildings and structures.
Floor covering device.
Installation of airshaft systems (VDU) and fire-retardant treatment.
Application of road markings on any road sections such as national highways, highways, parking lots, warehouses and production facilities, sports grounds, children's towns, inside the yard area, highways and airports, as well as the application of numbers, arrows and other images