Our company carries out General construction, special, transport, loading and unloading operations:
- Production of fire-resistant and Anti-corrosion compositions;
- Project management, construction projects administrative management
- Transport and handling operations
- Industrial mountaineering
- Anti-Corrosion and fire protection works
- A very heavy-duty insulation of pipelines, tanks, foundations
- Decorative finishing and art painting indoors
- Stained glass and facade structures installation
- Finishing work
- Design work on the sections.=
Forces of the companies - partners:
- Pre-design work;
- Pre-design work
- Design works
- Earthwork
- Installation of reinforced concrete and metal structures
- Stonework
- Carpentry
- Roofing work
- Waterproofing works
- Installation of internal and on-site utilities
- Manufacture of stained glass and facade structures
- Landscaping and gardening.
Excavation: digging pits, pits and trenches for individual supports, strip foundations, trenches for underground utilities, transportation (loading, moving, unloading) and loosening of the soil, plating sites, Stripping work, backfilling and filling device, soil compaction.
Pile: the pile driving and driving of piles, construction of pile foundations.
Stonework: construction of masonry structures (walls, piers, columns) made of stones and blocks, rubble and rubble concrete masonry, masonry made of processed natural stones of the correct form, bricks and artificial stones.
Concrete and reinforced concrete works-construction of concrete and reinforced concrete structures with formwork and reinforcement cages.
Installation of metal structures includes delivery to the workplace, installation, alignment and fastening of finished parts.
Carpentry and joinery work on construction sites-transportation to the installation site and installation of finished parts (rafters, Windows, doors) or construction of structures from pre-prepared and processed parts, elements or materials (boards, bars, etc.). These works also include the flooring of Board and parquet floors.
Roofing — device coatings attic and no attic roofs, used in domestic and technical purposes.
Finishing works: plastering, painting, cladding, painting, wallpapering of buildings and premises, plasterboard work, floor and wall cladding with ceramic tiles and natural stone.
In addition to the General types of finishing works, we offer the Customer works on decorative design of premises: decorative plaster, art painting on flat and three-dimensional surfaces, paintings and portraits. Decorative and artistic painting deals with a staff of skilled artists, portrait painters, artists, decorators.
Special works are associated with special types of materials and methods of production used in the construction of structures. For example, the application of Anti-corrosion coatings on the structure, as well as the device of power, lighting, other networks, installation of sanitary systems and devices.
Transport, loading, and unloading operations include delivery to construction sites and workplaces of materials, structures and parts, devices, equipment and tools.
Waterproofing, roofing, application of highly reinforced insulation, thermal insulation coatings are performed both in standard construction conditions and in extreme, by industrial climbers. The materials used for these works, roll surfaced, special paints and plasters, as well as polymeric materials, at the end of "setting" and hardening, make up monolithic plastic coatings with a thickness of 3 mm and above. The characteristics of these materials are very diverse, including chemical and dynamic resistance. Some types of coatings are not known to a wide audience, but are widely used for protective purposes on pipelines, flues and gas pipes, in the protection of tanks, including the constant exposure to both salt water and petroleum products and other chemical compounds.