- Design
- Project management
- Construction and installation works
- Industrial mountaineering
- Application
- Accomplishment of territory
Any construction begins with design work, which includes the following main stages:
- Pre-project preparation
- Design works
- Technological design
- Coordination of design and estimate documentation
- Examination of design and estimate documentation
The most important stage of all construction activities are design work. Moreover, regardless of the scale of the construction project and its classification, this type of work is a priority. At the stage of drawing up the technical specifications of the company, which will perform design and estimate work on the construction project, it is necessary to take into account all the nuances that cannot be changed at the final stage of construction of a building or any other structure. Professionalism of the company in design and estimate business will consist in reduction of all ideas that arise at customers of this type of works, in the full and qualitative project for construction that will meet all requirements of GOST and SNIP. In addition, the design takes into account usability and ergonomics. The totality of all the requirements for the object is reduced to the technical documentation issued by all the rules.
The importance of design work cannot be underestimated. The reliability of building structures, the appearance of the facade, the convenience of internal areas location, the efficiency of building engineering communications, construction costs and much more – the quality of all this depends on the design work. Now it becomes clear that important work can be entrusted only to responsible companies. We specialize in the preparation of different cycle’s project documentation and different areas for construction. This is one of our main directions, and we are very responsible in approach to the customer requirements and the implementation of our task to develop a modern, meeting the entire requirements project. We offer our customers only quality services at a reasonable cost of design work. Our price consists exclusively on real costs and the amount of work performed.
To find out the price of design work in our organization, you can call the company after analyzing the technical specifications by specialists. Professionals work in this direction, who have completed many projects at the highest level with high requirements and have accumulated enough experience to execute your project in the shortest possible time at the lowest price and with consistently high quality.
After the development of design work for construction by agreement, we will carry out the coordination of our projects in all necessary instances.
All design work in the company is performed by specialists with experience and sufficient knowledge to perform the task on time and in compliance with all requirements of the customer and regulatory authorities. We perform almost any work on the development and coordination of technical and estimate documentation. The cost of work depends on the volume of the task. At the customer request, we can perform a separate part of work or maintenance a construction object from scratch design, documentation development and approval, and to the construction, organization and commissioning of the object. We are confident in our abilities and offer only quality services to our customers. Turning to our company, you will get a quality project and a sense of satisfaction from the fact that you are not mistaken in the choice.
Call and make an appointment for a consultation.
Over the past 30 years, a new management culture has emerged - project management.
This happened because currently the vast majority of business is project-oriented. It relates to the entire innovation and investment sphere, single and small batch production, consulting, engineering, etc. For productions of the type discussed above is extremely important professional project management.
Until recently, the term "project" meant a set of design and estimate documentation for the creation of buildings, structures or technical devices.
In modern professional management, the concept of the project is associated with the process of implementing a set of targeted measures to create a new product or service within the established budget, time and quality.
In Europe and the USA, project management methodology and tools are widely used in all areas of targeted and project-oriented activities.
In Japan, according to the Japanese project management Association, all investment and construction projects are evaluated and implemented using project management technologies.
According to the International project management Association (IPMA), the use of modern project management methodology and tools saves 20-30% of time and about 15-20% of funds spent on projects and programs.
Our company in project management is based on the following basic principles:
- Clear definition of project objectives, results and activities, taking into account possible acceptable risks
- Definition of responsibility centers for the project as a whole and its separate parts
- Creation of complex and predictive planning of works and project parameters system
- Creation of control and project regulation system
- Creation and management of the project team in order to unite and coordinate the efforts of all the performers involved in the project.
Participants in project-oriented activities receive significant benefits from professional management.
For investors it:
- increasing transparency of public and private projects
- Risk reduction and controllability
- expanding the range of investors and investment opportunities
- saving investment resources by improving the efficiency of funds usage
- increase return on investment.
For owners, this is an additional profit and improved manageability.
Our company carries out General construction, special, transport, loading and unloading operations:
- Production of fire-resistant and Anti-corrosion compositions;
- Project management, construction projects administrative management
- Transport and handling operations
- Industrial mountaineering
- Anti-Corrosion and fire protection works
- A very heavy-duty insulation of pipelines, tanks, foundations
- Decorative finishing and art painting indoors
- Stained glass and facade structures installation
- Finishing work
- Design work on the sections.=
Forces of the companies - partners:
- Pre-design work;
- Pre-design work
- Design works
- Earthwork
- Installation of reinforced concrete and metal structures
- Stonework
- Carpentry
- Roofing work
- Waterproofing works
- Installation of internal and on-site utilities
- Manufacture of stained glass and facade structures
- Landscaping and gardening.
Excavation: digging pits, pits and trenches for individual supports, strip foundations, trenches for underground utilities, transportation (loading, moving, unloading) and loosening of the soil, plating sites, Stripping work, backfilling and filling device, soil compaction.
Pile: the pile driving and driving of piles, construction of pile foundations.
Stonework: construction of masonry structures (walls, piers, columns) made of stones and blocks, rubble and rubble concrete masonry, masonry made of processed natural stones of the correct form, bricks and artificial stones.
Concrete and reinforced concrete works-construction of concrete and reinforced concrete structures with formwork and reinforcement cages.
Installation of metal structures includes delivery to the workplace, installation, alignment and fastening of finished parts.
Carpentry and joinery work on construction sites-transportation to the installation site and installation of finished parts (rafters, Windows, doors) or construction of structures from pre-prepared and processed parts, elements or materials (boards, bars, etc.). These works also include the flooring of Board and parquet floors.
Roofing — device coatings attic and no attic roofs, used in domestic and technical purposes.
Finishing works: plastering, painting, cladding, painting, wallpapering of buildings and premises, plasterboard work, floor and wall cladding with ceramic tiles and natural stone.
In addition to the General types of finishing works, we offer the Customer works on decorative design of premises: decorative plaster, art painting on flat and three-dimensional surfaces, paintings and portraits. Decorative and artistic painting deals with a staff of skilled artists, portrait painters, artists, decorators.
Special works are associated with special types of materials and methods of production used in the construction of structures. For example, the application of Anti-corrosion coatings on the structure, as well as the device of power, lighting, other networks, installation of sanitary systems and devices.
Transport, loading, and unloading operations include delivery to construction sites and workplaces of materials, structures and parts, devices, equipment and tools.
Waterproofing, roofing, application of highly reinforced insulation, thermal insulation coatings are performed both in standard construction conditions and in extreme, by industrial climbers. The materials used for these works, roll surfaced, special paints and plasters, as well as polymeric materials, at the end of "setting" and hardening, make up monolithic plastic coatings with a thickness of 3 mm and above. The characteristics of these materials are very diverse, including chemical and dynamic resistance. Some types of coatings are not known to a wide audience, but are widely used for protective purposes on pipelines, flues and gas pipes, in the protection of tanks, including the constant exposure to both salt water and petroleum products and other chemical compounds.
This profession exists in the labor market for a long time. Some sources refer to the 1930s; others refer its origin to the 1960s. The profession began to develop more intensively since the 1990s, when new technologies began to appear in the construction and repair of buildings and structures.
Industrial climbers earn by using only ropes and climbing equipment, perform work of any complexity, which cannot be done by traditional methods of construction technology.
The customer eliminates the need for costly rental and installation of scaffolding; use of construction machineries, aerial platforms without stopping production cycle. There is a clear cost savings.
However, possession of climbing technology is not enough to become an industrial climber. This work requires a combination of many professions: installer, painter, electrician, etc. In addition, other knowledge is important: how not to freeze in the winter, how to communicate with the client, how to organize the work of the team. To be able to professionally perform work at height and to be able to "work with ropes" — two components of industrial mountaineering basis.
It is very important to keep in mind that there are not so many professional companies that would be engaged in such a craft. More-the usual "professionals" who somewhere got the necessary experience and decided to make a quick buck. They do not make out their business, and the work’s organization is lame. There are often delays in the purchase of materials, the quality of work suffers, time is stretched – all this leads to significant additional costs.
Excellent professional training and extensive experience allow our company specialists to provide high quality work produced by the method of industrial mountaineering. The exceptional qualification of employees makes it possible for them to carry out a wide range of high-rise works, such as protection of metal structures from corrosion, fire protection, painting of domes and facades of buildings, repair of facades, installation of metal structures and banners, etc.
Cooperating with our company you will receive a guarantee of quality and timeliness of work.
In a complex with construction works management, paints production and varnish production our company offers services of industrial coloring of objects, products and constructions from various materials: (large constructions: residential, industrial, office buildings, heat and hydroelectric power stations, hydraulic engineering constructions, piers, moorings and bridges, ships, tanks, road protections, markings, fences, etc.).
Metal structures, pipelines, oil pipelines, oil RVS, bridge and gantry cranes, chimneys, television towers and radio masts with sandblasting Anti-corrosion protection.
Residential, industrial buildings and structures, metal structures fire-retardant treatment.
Wooden buildings processing with special compositions to protect against fire, rot and mold.
Repair and painting of facades, high-rise buildings and structures.
Floor covering device.
Installation of airshaft systems (VDU) and fire-retardant treatment.
Application of road markings on any road sections such as national highways, highways, parking lots, warehouses and production facilities, sports grounds, children's towns, inside the yard area, highways and airports, as well as the application of numbers, arrows and other images
In the last 15-20 years, the situation began to change rapidly, not only in the capital, but also in provincial cities. It was recently developed the Concept of Complex Improvement, which includes all the work on landscaping and improvement of urban areas.
Comprehensive landscaping includes a variety of activities – from cleaning and removal of construction waste, landscaping and the formation of footpaths, to such measures for engineering improvement of the territory as drainage, reclamation, construction of Parking lots, playgrounds, as well as objects, which are often called "small architectural forms".
Improvement of various territories is quite an urgent problem for such a metropolis as Almaty or any other settlement. Everywhere there are construction works, construction, asphalting of roads and under such conditions, it is necessary to improve such areas
The Territory improvement is a whole complex of works aimed at giving an attractive aesthetically pleasing appearance of the territory, the landscape design ideas embodiment and the creation of sites for pastime, in accordance with the sanitary and hygienic standards of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Our company employs highly qualified specialists who are ready to take on all types of work related to the territory improvement.
If you want to improve the environmental condition of your yard, local area, to give them a complete look, to create all favorable conditions for living – please contact our company. We are ready to do all the work on the territory improvement: to create a Playground for children, a sport ground, to organize Parking for cars, and, of course, to take care of sidewalks, paths and landscaping. A person chooses where and in what conditions he wants to live, and we are ready to change all ideas about the aesthetics of urban space and continue to update the city!