Over the past 30 years, a new management culture has emerged - project management.
This happened because currently the vast majority of business is project-oriented. It relates to the entire innovation and investment sphere, single and small batch production, consulting, engineering, etc. For productions of the type discussed above is extremely important professional project management.
Until recently, the term "project" meant a set of design and estimate documentation for the creation of buildings, structures or technical devices.
In modern professional management, the concept of the project is associated with the process of implementing a set of targeted measures to create a new product or service within the established budget, time and quality.
In Europe and the USA, project management methodology and tools are widely used in all areas of targeted and project-oriented activities.
In Japan, according to the Japanese project management Association, all investment and construction projects are evaluated and implemented using project management technologies.
According to the International project management Association (IPMA), the use of modern project management methodology and tools saves 20-30% of time and about 15-20% of funds spent on projects and programs.
Our company in project management is based on the following basic principles:
- Clear definition of project objectives, results and activities, taking into account possible acceptable risks
- Definition of responsibility centers for the project as a whole and its separate parts
- Creation of complex and predictive planning of works and project parameters system
- Creation of control and project regulation system
- Creation and management of the project team in order to unite and coordinate the efforts of all the performers involved in the project.
Participants in project-oriented activities receive significant benefits from professional management.
For investors it:
- increasing transparency of public and private projects
- Risk reduction and controllability
- expanding the range of investors and investment opportunities
- saving investment resources by improving the efficiency of funds usage
- increase return on investment.
For owners, this is an additional profit and improved manageability.